Level 1: Squirts

Level Aims

  • 2m front-float with correct body position and conditioning.
  • 2-handed backfloat for 5 secs.
  • Hold onto wall independently for 5 secs.

Progress Milestones

  • Assisted submersion for 1m
  • Backfloat on grownup’s shoulder for 5 secs.
  • Assisted hold onto wall for 5 secs.
  • Unassisted submersion for 1m.


The primary aim of this level is for children to comfortably front-float for 2 metres on top of the water, with perfect breath control. Holding the breath is the first step to submerging safely and comfortably, which will eventually make children safer in this environment. We also aim to develop the required strength to hold on to the edge of the pool and get children to comfortably float in a 2-handed, assisted back-float. The main challenge of the Squirts level is for both child and grownup to become comfortable in this new environment.

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